Monday, January 27, 2020
The main concepts of the behaviorist perspective theory
The main concepts of the behaviorist perspective theory As a reaction to the introspective analysis method in psychology and the focus on the study of mental processes, conscious or unconscious that dominated the beginning of the last century and was considered the object of psychology at that timeà [1]à , a new approach was developed under the name of behaviorism. This new psychotherapeutic approach was to dominate psychology for about 50 years. Precursors of this approach are the American psychologist Edward Lee Thorndikeà [2]à and the Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlovà [3]à , but the one who is considered the father of behaviorism and established its theoretical and practical fundaments is John Watsonà [4]à . Behavior becomes the focus of psychological investigation because it is the only one that can be scientifically studied and quantified, predicted and controlled. The behaviorist assumptions are that: psychology should be seen as a science and therefore it should deal with observable behaviors that generate empirical data; the environment plays a decisive role in determining behavior as opposed to the psychic inner processes; all behavior is learnt from environment and this learning process is similar to animals. In contrast with the vague concepts used by introspectionism, behaviorism places a high emphasis on the use of operational definitions that is defining various concepts in terms of observable events that may be used to describe human experience in terms of stimuli and responses. A specific characteristic of behaviorism is parsimony seeking the simplest possible explanation for any eventà [5]à . Key concepts of behaviorism comprise the stimulus response (S-R) equation, the classical and operant conditioning, and the reinforcement and punishment notions. The method used to analyze behavior is the lab experiment which gave the possibility to manipulate the independent variable in order to study the dependent variable. Stimulus is a measurable change in the environment any object, fact, event or situation that may have an impact on behavior, while response is a measurable change in behavior any reaction to a stimulus either environmental or mental. The behaviorist theory excludes thoughts, feelings and other mental occurrences, and genetic factors as well, that is everything that cannot be study objectively, in observable terms. Watson took further Pavlovs idea of conditioningà [6]à and applied it to humans. According to him humans are born tabula rasa and the behavior is simply learnt from the environment through a process of conditioning. In a famous and controversial experiment because of its ethical implications, Watson and Rayner (1920) conditioned Little Albert an 18-months old toddler to develop a fear response to rats, by associating the rat NS with a strong noise UCS. They conducted their research following the classical conditioning scheme: Noise (UCS) Anxiety (UCR); Noise (UCS) + Rat (NS) Anxiety (UCR); Rat (CS) Anxiety (CR)à [7]à . Close related to the process of classical conditioning is the generalization that occurs. Thus, stimuli similar to the original CS would tend to elicit the same CR. In the case of Little Albert it was reported that the boy was showing strong signs of anxiety to all fluffy objects, which were similar to the white rat used in experiment. Stimulus generalization results in responding to a whole class of related stimuli, after initial learning with a single stimulus and can enable organisms to adapt better to their environment though it may not always be adaptiveà [8]à . Behaviorists draw the conclusion that generalization is the first response of an organism when encountering new situations. Sometimes this generalization may take the form of stereotyping that occurs when generalizing based on group membership. To fight this phenomenon, behaviorists undertook and exemplified through research the concept of stimulus discriminationà [9]à , according to which an organism may be tr ained to discriminate between two or more stimuli that progressively increase in alikeness. As Glassman and Haddad point out stimulus discrimination always requires training in the absence of such training, organisms tend to generalize (emphasis theirs)à [10]à . Opposed to the concept of conditioning is the concept of extinction which suggests that what can be learned can also be unlearned, and that a conditional response is not necessarily permanentà [11]à . However, as some research indicateà [12]à , extinction is likely to appear in humans in some basic behaviors involving muscle responses like withdrawing from a hot surface, but not in complex behaviors which involve fear responses or other responses of the automatic nervous system and which are very hard to extinguish. Using Pavlovs extinction procedure, Watson and Rayner tried to eliminate the conditioned fear response associated with rats in Little Alberts case by presenting the rat for a period of three weeks w ithout associating it with the gongs noise. Contrary to their expectation the fear did not extinguish. Stimulus generalization and discrimination concepts as well as the extinction principle have a great importance for our discussion because they will be used in the process of developing behavioral psychotherapeutic techniques. Skinner developed the concept of operant conditioning. He argues that all behavior is modeled by complex reinforcement patterns from the environment. In his view, humans and animals actively engage with their environment, as opposed to the Watsonian emphasis on classical conditioning where they are more passive waiting for the environment to produce stimuli to which they may respond to. Skinners main idea is that human behavior is determined by the consequences of its past behavior. If from a Watsonian perspective the behavior is triggered by external stimuli, starting with Skinner the behavior may be elicited by internal stimuli as well, as a result of past internalized experiences. Thus operant conditioning is a type of learning where future behavior is determined by the consequences of past behavior. According to Skinner the past behavior may influence feature behavior depending on three types of consequences: if it had no consequence, the probability of that behavior to occur in the future is neuter; if the consequence is found pleasant, then the behavior is likely to be repeated in the future this was called positive reinforcement; if the consequence is negative, then it acts as a punishment and makes that specific behavior unlikely to appear in the future. By extrapolation, learning occurs through manipulation of positive reinforcements and punishments. Newer behaviorist approaches acknowledge that although the two types of conditioning reflex and operant were developed independent of each other by different researchers, they are interconnected and in real life situations both processes can occur simultaneouslyà [13]à . Practice therapeutic process and methods The behavior therapeutic approach emerged from these behavioral principles of classical and operant conditioning. All behavior is learnt and therefore abnormal behavior is seen as the result of faulty learning. In order to cure the individual needs to learn the correct behavior. The behavioral therapy applying the principle of here and now focuses on the present behavior which the patient finds problematic as opposed to the psychodynamic therapy that focuses on identifying and uncovering unconscious conflicts from childhood. The therapist sees the patient as standing at the intersection between genetic inheritance and learning that occurred through interaction between individual and environmental stimuli. These result in maladaptive thoughts, feelings, attitudes and verbal behavior. Conventionally, the psychotherapeutic process starts by behavior analysisà [14]à . The focus is on indentifying the current stimulus response relationship. Based on the disruptive behaviors identified the therapist designs a program (the psychotherapeutic process) meant to help the patient unlearn the faulty responses and if appropriate learn more adaptive behaviors. The patient is explained how the psychotherapy works, how the conditioned responses were learnt somewhere in the past and how the very same behavioral responses can be modified using the techniques of behavioral therapy. According to Bennet, behavior therapy differs from psychoanalytic therapies in the following regards: it is directive, the therapist actively involves in the therapeutic process, using methods based on learning principles; the goal of therapy is different in that it intends to change behavior not to reconstruct personality; the therapy is shorter than other forms; the interventions are symptom specific, closer to the medical model of intervention rather than the psychoanalytic catharsis or insightà [15]à . Behavioral techniques emerged from the classical conditioning principle involve systematic desensitisation, aversion therapy, implosion therapy and flooding. Operant conditioning techniques are related to what is commonly known in therapy as behavior modification, behavior shaping and token economy. Systematic desensitization is the treatment of choice for phobias and various anxiety inducing behaviors. It aims at replacing the patients anxiety response with a relaxation one, by increasingly exposing the patient to a hierarchy of stimuli from the less anxiety evoking to the anxiety evoking stimulus itself. During the process, the patient goes to the next stage of the stimulus hierarchy only after succeeding to be fully relaxed in the present of the previous stimulus. This method requires the training of the patient in relaxation techniquesà [16]à and involves the use of imagination, since when is impossible to be confronted with the actual situation (like is the case in social p hobias) the patient has to imagine being in those situations, following that life itself will offer opportunities to see if the therapy is successful or not. So, the exposure can be done in vitro or in vivo, depending on the phobic stimulus. However, studies have emphasized that the important factor in curing is the exposure to the feared object or situation by breaking the avoidance cycle created and reinforced in any phobia. Aversion therapy is used to induce an aversive response to stimuli which are associated with existing undesirable behaviors. It has been used in trying to treat alcoholic addiction, by associating a nausea producing drug or a small electric shock with the undesired behavior of drinking. As a result of this stimuli association, the patient is provoked to vomit. This supposedly might determine the patient avoid drinking in the future. However, this method raises serious ethical and effectiveness problems, the rates of relapse being reportedly very high. Implosion therapy and flooding involve that the patient has to face the worst possible fear producing situation, in imagination only in the former and in the physical context in the latter. In contrast with systematic desensitization which presupposes a gradual exposure to the stimuli, these techniques are more radical and less time consuming. If successful, the patient might be cured of a phobia in one hour. The advantage of this method is that the patient learns that there are no objective bases for his/her fear by accepting to openly confront it. Ethical problems are associated as well in regard to suffering from therapy. Derived from operant conditioning, the behavior modification method is largely used in educational and clinical psychology contexts. It reinforces desired behaviors and ignores or punishes undesired ones. This techniques raises problems in choosing reinforcers since people can potentially respond to a wide range of such stimuli. Similar to behavior modification is the behavior shaping technique successfully used in working with autistic children in order to maintain a desired behavior. Another operant application has been used in institutions (for examples schools and hospitals) within the programs called token economies, where conditioned reinforcers are offered to strengthen specific behaviors. Tokens are offered in exchange of a desired behavior and can later be transformed in something that the individual wants. Token behave as a secondary reinforcement for the primary reinforcements which are in fact desired. It may be also used to extinguish undesired behaviors by taking away t he earned tokens to punish undesired behavior. Taken economies are uncommon and inefficient in treating mental disorders, although they might contribute to alleviating some disruptive behaviors associated with mental disorders, such as aggressiveness, inadequate social interaction and use of bad languageà [17]à . Evaluation of the approach strengths and limits One of the major strengths of this approach is questionably considered its scientific background. Developed from lab experiments on animals (Pavlov-dogs, Thorndike cats, Watson rats, Skinner pigeons and rats) it focuses exclusively on behavior which can be observed and objectively measured. The behaviorist human being is concrete, realistic, determined in its actions by the environment and the society that he/she lives in. This theoretical approach proved to be productive in creating psychotherapeutic methods, mainly successful in the area of phobias and addictions. Compared to other approaches behaviorism is supported by many experiments. However, there are discrepancies between the empirical and the theoretical developments in behaviorism, which is considered a limitation of the approach. Initial empirical studies were made on animals (as mentioned above) while the theoretical studies are done by generalizing observations made on animals upon humans. This fact cumulated with the declared behaviorists rejection of the importance of mental processes offers a very fragmented and simplistic view of human being. Watson believed that observing and describing behavior is enough to predict and control it. Thus, he eliminated explanation from psychology. Psychic life was acknowledged but its understanding was not considered necessary because it will finally manifest itself at behavioral level. At this point we need to reconsider what meaning we give to the term scientific, in regard to our double perspective taken by the present work. If scientific means that positive methods in studying human being (similar to the study of rocks, animals, meteorological phenomena etc.) are favored, then we might as well consider this psychological approach a step forward on the terrain of positive science. But if scientific means to conceptualize the human being in all its wholeness in order to understand its starting point, its inner resorts and teleological direction, then behaviorism might be seen as an unacceptable lessening of the complexity and mystery of human being. The intense use of lab experiments present the disadvantage of a low ecological validityà [18]à . In time it became obvious that understanding of behavior cannot come from the laboratory. On the other hand behaviorism was criticized as being reductionist by eliminating the meditational processes and too deterministic by the fact that human being is presented as not possessing free will. Another weakness identified by ethnological studies show that the principles of conditioning are not as universal as was once assertedà [19]à . However, maybe the most informed criticism is provided from within, by a behavior therapist like Lazarus connected with Joseph Wolpe, who states in regard to behavior therapy that: the methods of behavior therapy are extremely effective when applied to carefully selected cases by informed practitioners. But when procedures overstep the boundaries of their legitimate terrain, ridicule and disparagement are most likely to ensue. Far from being a panacea, the methods are then held to have no merit whatsoever, and the proverbial baby gets thrown out with the bath waterà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ The danger lies in a premature elevation of learning principles into unwarranted scientific truthsà [20]à . Comparison with psychodynamic perspective Within the behaviorist approach various theorists hold positions that may vary in some degrees but fundamentally assert the same thing: behavior is the new found object of psychology; this allows psychology to behave and to be considered a natural science; a belief that its legitimate to study the animal behavior and compare it with human behavior; the emphasis on environment as causation of behavior and consequently dismiss mental processes. The psychodynamic and behaviorist perspectives on human being are opposed. They started from very different points in defining what human being is. Furthermore, the behaviorism appeared as a reaction to psychoanalysis and other currents in psychology that used the method of introspection to define and explain the inner, immaterial and unseen mental processes. Their approach was considered by behaviorists as mysticism. The focus in psychodynamic theories and practice is on inner processes that are seen as motivating and influencing behavior, while the focus in behaviorist theories and practice is on the outer world, i.e. environment that is seen as determining behavior. The change in psychoanalysis comes by uncovering unconscious conflicts that are the underlying causes of behavior, while the change in behaviorism comes by manipulating the environment in order to remove undesirable behavior. These opposing perspectives do not completely eliminate dialogue since the unification point i s the human being itself. For example, if a Freudian theorist suggests that adult behavior can best be understood by looking at childhood experiences, Skinner agrees but suggests that the connections are based on the reinforcement history of the person, not some vague concept of conflicts between id and egoà [21]à . In the Freudian understanding of human nature, the person is born with instincts, hence the development of the drive and unconscious psychology, as opposed to the Watsonian perspective where humans are born tabula rasa. The behaviorist theorist Skinner describes the inner life as a black box. He acknowledges its existence but he sees it in behaviorist terms. For him the private inner life is also behaviorà [22]à . However, in the view of the major differences presented above we are enabled to draw the conclusion that psychoanalysis and behaviorism have as a starting point different assumptions concerning human nature and therefore, develop at the conceptual- the oretical and practical-therapeutic level towards two distinct finalities. This point is very well made clear by Watson in one of his famous quotes: Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and Ill guarantee to take anyone at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant -chief and yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors. I am going beyond my facts and I admit it, but so have the advocates of the contrary and they have been doing it for thousands of yearsà [23]à . Contributions to new developments Despite all its limitations, the behaviorist approach has some positive points as well: provided psychology with new and quantifiable concepts, opened the gate to new theories and explanations in psychology, crated more realistic methods. Somehow ironically, one of the major contributions made by behaviorism concerns the possibilities of research opened towards the investigation of cognitive processes that they initially rejected, which will fundament the new cognitive approach in psychology. For example, Edward Tolman, regarded as one of the founders of the cognitive approach, considered himself a behaviorist though not a radical behaviorist like Skinner. In addition, the study of many cognitive issues, such as observational learning imitation) and the use of hypotheses in problem solving, began with similar behaviorist studies of animals. Where the introspectionists failed in their attempts to make sense out of mental processes the behaviorists have pointed the way to new possibil ities for a scientific psychology of the mindà [24]à . Neobehaviorism introduces the meditational processes (motive, emotion) between stimuli and response.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Microeconomics: Supply and Demand
Prices of Onion (Deshi and Indian) go up due to shortage of supply 1. Introduction: Microeconomic theory is perhaps the most important course in all economics and business programs. I am just trying to discuss about the role of theory or models in com/microeconomics-chapter-4/">microeconomics, discuss the basic methodology of economics, and distinguish between positive and normative analysis. Our main target in this assignment is to write an essay about microeconomics related topic which is published by the newspapers recently.After studying the newspaper I have got a microeconomic related topic which prices go up, as a result, demand will decrease. According to my previous study knowledge, I had some ideas about production cost, import cost, transportation cost and other ssimilar cost by which we can determine the cost and profit. After taking the microeconomic course, it seems to me that the scenario is different. Here we need not only production and other ssimilar cost and profit but also supply and demand, changing situation, income and substitution effect, equilibrium price, elasticity, cost behavior, market position etc..Here my selected product is Onions (Deshi and Indian). This is because; onions are one of the most important commodities of our daily meal. Recently the prices of onions go up in the retail market not only Deshi onion but also Indian onion. Retailer said that, the prices of local onion increased by Tk. 10 a kg and was selling at Tk. 70 a kg while the just harvested onion was retailing at Tk. 45 a kg and Indian onion at Tk. 40 a kg over the last week due to supply shortage.So that, I have decided to write an essay about onion (Deshi and Indian) where Indian onion is the substitute of Deshi onions including the demand and supply of onions, equilibrium price, effect on price, substitution and income effect, production function, elasticity, cost function and market structure of onion. 2. Data Collection: After studying the newspapers, I have found a microeconomic related topic that is, ââ¬Å"Onion, flour, vegetables, fish prices go upâ⬠which is published by Financial Express on 15th December, 2012 and ââ¬ËPrices of onions, green chili skyrocketââ¬â¢ which is published by New Age on 22 December, 2012.So I have taken two commodity Deshi onion and Indian onion. For getting more information I visited 2 markets which is nearest of my area due to know about the supply and current and previous price and demand for two types of onions. a) Nayabazar Market b) Babubazar Market 3. Demand: 3. 1. Law of demand: We know that, consumer purchase more products when the price is lower and they buy fewer products at higher price where other things remain the same. We also know that, there is an inverse relationship between price and quantity demended according to the law of demand.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Why Stay Connected
To stay connected with people we love, admire or simply want to do business with is not as hard as it seems. Thanks to social media we have the ability to communicate through the social web with Just a click of a button. With so much information to share, I believe people use computers everyday for social relationships, functionality, colonization, context and commerce because it provides a user friendly experience that's inviting and receptive. In today's society, social networking has become like an operating system where every experience can be social and user friendly.For most people, the web is a viable tool that is used everyday of the week from the sounding of the alarm clock, until television puts us to sleep. This tool is capable of transporting information through text, audio, video or graphics across the world and can go virtually in an instant to and from anyone with a device and web access. It's beneficial sharing personalized and accurate content with friends, family or business associates who rely on the web and value staying connected while developing social relationships. When developing social relationships it's important to stay open and accessible at all times.Since people can now enjoy connecting with family and friends for free on social sites like Backbone, it allows loved ones from other countries to communicate without incurring expensive phone bills. Sometimes Internet use can cause a decline in face-to face time with families. In the article Successful Farming, A 2009 survey of 2,000 households by the University of Southern Californians Enablers Center for the Digital Future reveals that 28% of Americans admit that they spend less time with members of their household. During the past decade, Merganser survey show that shared family time ranged from 22. 6 to 29. 8 hours per month (Devise, C. 09 pig. 61). These statistics coincides with the explosion of social networks. The article also goes on to mention that Passbooks user base catapu lted to 200 million in 2009 from 140 million in 2008. The survey points out that 52% of users say the Internet is ââ¬Å"importantâ⬠or ââ¬Å"very importantâ⬠in sustaining relationships. But how important does the functionality play in business relationships? When considering the sites purpose for users through Functionality, the function of the site must be fulfilled. When a business positions itself to sell products, the site must be able to describe these items along with a summary about the company.According to the article, Web Site Functionality (Barnes, 2010), it lists three rules of function for companies to have success in selling their products. The first rule is to ââ¬Å"be quick and to the point. â⬠Companies shouldn't subject their visitors to flash and distracting images on the sales page of the site. The goal here is not to loose your visitor before you sell them. The second rule is ââ¬Å"think like a visitor, not like yourself. â⬠This particul ar strategy helps the visitor to better understand what you are selling because of how simple it is to read and access the product. Simplicity her is the key.The third rule is ââ¬Å"assist, don't constrain. â⬠What this rule is clearly stating is treat your visitors like guess in your house. Show courtesy in the way you respond on your site, if visitors type an invalid quantity field. Instead of saying ââ¬Å"Invalid Quantity,â⬠say, ââ¬Å"Please enter only whole numbers in Quantity. â⬠This approach helps the visitors relax and feel comfortable, as they will have a better overall experience on the site. Delta Air Lines is a good example of a company that has taking strides to accommodate their customers without going through the technicalities of booking lights and hectic checking-inn's.According to (NYSE: DEAL) Delta was named ââ¬Å"Top Tech- Friendly U. S. Airlinesâ⬠by Popcorn magazine for its airport recharging stations (Technology & Business Journal, 201 2). This recognition was based on Delta having in-flight Wi-If on more domestic flights than any other carrier and smartened APS with innovative features including baggage tracking, airport check-in and the ability to book tickets directly from Backbone, while enjoying 24-hour customer service via Twitter. Since customer service is first class for some companies is there a way for there company sites to become more social?I believe one of the best ways for every page to have a social experience, is through Colonization. Identity technologies like Backbone Connect, Opened, as well as existing identities will soon colonize the web in the near future, making every webbing a social experience even if they don't want to participate. Using Backbone for example, if you look at majority of television and radio adverts, you are quickly directed to the company's Backbone address. This call of action is a form of branding, which allows a company to communicate in a timely and informal manner.T his teeth invites feedback and interaction with customers. Many brands are taking advantage of corporate pages like Coca Cola, which is the leading product on Backbone with over 20 million people ââ¬Å"likingâ⬠its page (Towns, 2011). This style of Colonizing allows companies to inject their personality onto a web page, pushing employee's to post comments, photographs and videos to promote a company's personality in a genuine way. A company would not move in the right direction if the context weren't complete.This is why content is so important because it personalizes an accurate account of the company's marketing campaign. Content is the fuel of the social web in that it brings a product launch to life through short films, videos, commercials, and emails by the product developer all-starting with a simple concept. According to the NYSE, Nielsen released results of a new research study revealing online content as a connective tissue for Internet users with 27 million pieces of content shared on a daily basis (NYSE: AOL, 2011).The results also show that 53% time spent on the Internet is directly attributed to content consumption, and consumer social graphs play a key role in sharing content with email as the primary sharing tool. Nearly one-quarter of all social media messages contain links to content (NYSE: AOL, 2011). In the web search world, one of the most undocumented forms of Content is word- of-mouth. According to the Keller Fay Group's Talk Track, as much as 90% of word-of- mouth takes place offline (Hawthorne, Chromic, 2012). This form of content is dispersed and sporadic across the Internet.Many agencies and research companies pull their information from multiple sources, which focus on finding online word-of- mouth and tone in posts to blobs, chat rooms, consumer review sites, social networking sites, and viral videos. Depending on the clientele of a website, the reviews and overall impressions of a product may be marketed differently. So how c an word-of-mouth be leveraged through social commerce? When communities define different products and services, you are speaking of Commerce, which is online and already social.A Nielsen report (2011) highlighted that 90% of consumers trust the opinions of people they know. 70% trust anonymous ratings and reviews posted online, compared to Just 33% who trust online banner ads. Many brands have shied away from social media when asking for the sale. For example, Mobile Web has become a key focus for developers as a recent survey points out that 66% of the developers rate Mobile Web support as a top priority for 2012 (Computers, Networks ; Computers, 2012). The article goes on to say that Bloodmobile's one-click purchase flow will help developers to accelerate revenue through direct carrier billing.This offers customers a simple and easy payment flow, which translates directly to higher revenue. Another example of how commerce solutions are becoming easier for consumers is the partners hip with Ecocide, Inc. , producer of the worlds first platform-neutral, rope-in store builder widget and website builder Yolk to provide its e-commerce solution to Yolk customers. Yolk is the leading website builder that lets individuals and small businesses create websites with no technical expertise required (Computer Weekly New, 2012).Yolk's Online Store package powered by Ecocide allows users to quickly create a store by setting it up in their Yolk dashboard and dropping it into any page of a new and existing site. This all-in-one solution is for customers looking to create a website and start selling online. When you look at the many brands that use social applications, it's not only in erect support of e-commerce activities, but also its in anticipation that it will deliver on the bottom line at some point in the near future.Such brands like Dell, who use Twitter for sales promotions, Trapdoors who uses Backbone to funnel sales and Matter, the giant toy store who launched Shop Together which enables people in different locations to see what each other see's and talks about different products using an onscreen chat window. This social application has generated billions of dollars to major companies who understand the importance of social networking. In conclusion, we now understand better the need to connect and share with people globally and how cost effective and easy it is to stay in touch with friends, family and businesses through the social web.Social relationships are birthed from social networks, which become operating systems that provide services to customers who are looking for a social experience online. Without a sites purpose being as simple and easy to follow, consumers will be lost in translation. That's why it is so important for networking sites to create a user-friendly atmosphere that's inviting and receptive. The reasons why people use the web are simply for the benefits. Without social relationships, functionality, colonization, cont ext and commerce, there will be no desire to stay connected online.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Analysis Of The Article President Bush Announced On A...
Organization According to the article President Bush announced on April 18, 1991 he wanted to achieve six national education goals by the year 2000. . There are six objectives: (1) To guarantee that every child starts school ready to learn; (2) To raise the high school graduation rate to 90%; (3) To ensure that every student leaving the 4th, 8th, and 12th grades can demonstrate competence in core subjects; (4) To make students fir it in the world in math and science achievements; (5) To ensure that every adult is literate and has the skills necessary to compete in a global economy and is able to fulfill the duties of citizenship; and (6) To free American schools I from drugs and violence so that learning can occur. Acknowledging that the White House tact sheet had accompanying the act the transformation of American education was considered for a number of reasons. The main reason was that 8 years following the publication of A Nation at Risk (1983), educational results had not significantly improved. Second, our global participants and trading partners were taking education seriously while American students were near the backbone of the pack in international comparisons. Understandably, a principal function of the legislative initiatives was to achieve competitive academic excellence, which would contribute to improved international economic competitiveness. Discuss Changes and/or Reforms to Education The study of special training is experiencing significant reform. AShow MoreRelated The War in Iraq Being an Oil Currency War Essay4124 Words à |à 17 Pagesthe Iraq war is the quiet acknowledgement by respected oil geologists and possibly this administration is the impending phenomenon known as Global Peak Oil. This is projected to occur around 2010, with Iraq and Saudi Arabia being the final two nations to reach peak oil production. 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